
I’m a writer, adventurer, and creativity advocate who leans hard on creativity’s painkilling power. Loss has taught me that creativity can add purpose and meaning to our lives. By offering resources, inspiration, and classes, I hope to help you live a more mindful, more creative life, too.

My story

I’ve always been a creative dabbler, but while floundering after a devastating loss, I delved deeper into my physical senses. Light, color, texture, sound, movement, and nature were the primary elements in my life that could (barely) hold my attention and even briefly dull the pain. I dabbled in everything from glass mosaics to hand drumming, from “conscious dance” to long, self-punishing runs.
What they all have in common is creative flow—time spent out of myself and in touch with a larger cosmic energy. Eventually I realized that while no one thing is enough, my entire smorgasbord of creative pursuits dulls the pain and gives me purpose.
I’ve long been a student of the imagination and the liminal. Now I work with creativity, our connection to nature, and other soul-tending activities to share their benefits with others. I’m also a certified grief educator with experience helping others tell their stories, express tough emotions, and find, create, or explore the meaning in our lives. The mystic creative connection can help.